While setting back in my chair today and thinking of the power that MS tools giving to us , I decided to do a very small compare of things I can do in SQL server and how can I do the same thing in Oracle.
I decided to do a very primitive operation on both DBs… something is very silly. Just to get the differences between 2 dates in Weeks. This is very easy thing
In SQL Server I could do that in single line of SQL Statement
SELECT DATEDIFF (ww, ’03/20/1983′, ’11/03/2010′) DiffInWeeks_SQLServer |
While I could do the same operation in Oracle by a long equation comparing with the one I have for SQL Serer:
SELECT (to_date(’03/20/1983′,’mm/dd/yyyy’) – to_date(’11/03/2010′,’mm/dd/yyyy’) ) / 7.0) DiffInWeeks_Oracle FROM DUAL; |
I still like working on Microsoft platforms.