What is Windows Universal Apps – in Short

Universal Apps in short is an application model that Microsoft invented for applications that is being served in Windows Store. This enabled the application to be served in both Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. It is not a really universal application cross all platform, but it is universal in Windows world only but this application model brought the ability for developers to target all windows 8/8.1 devises while using the same code over and over; this include windows phones, tablets and PCs..What enabled this is having the Windows Common Runttime; the universal apps  is being built on top of this new runtime which is already there for different windows platforms.

if you are interesting to know more about what is the universal apps, I’m planning to write more articles about it but if you can’t wait, I advise you to read this article on this link.

Why to Setup Goals for your Employees

Setup goals for employees is critical for your business success and it will help you to get to the point where you vision your business at. You as a business owner should have vision of where you want to have your company at after specific period of time.. This vision should be translated to goals for different departments on the organization structure which in turn should be translated to be goals for each individual employees in the company.

As a company you have various set of goals that you need to achieve and you will not be able to achieve these goals without aligning your staff with you on these goals. One of the most effective way is to define set of goals for your staff. These goals needs to be aligned with the company overall goals and strategy. Which means more chances to achieve the company long and short term goals. From employee perspective, setting goals will motivate them, enhance employee’s knowledge as well as it will be easy for the company to measure individual achievements.

Effective employee’s goals should be very clear and understandable. The goal has to be measurable and attainable. If you setup the goals in the right way, then it will be win-win situation where employee and the company will be the winners at the end.

On the GigaGoals.com road map, we setup the needed features to support Manager-Employee relationship on Goals setup and assessments. We believe this will help Employers and Employee to setup Employee’s Goals in effective way.. stay tuned, we will release this feature very soon.

What the Most Successful People do Everyday

Successful People Habits
Successful People Habits

The way you are starting your day has the major affect on your day. Habits and how you manage your day also has a major affect. I was researching how the most successful people start and manage their days and what they usually do to be very successfully.. it is obvious those people has 24 hours a day just like everybody else. it is all about how they manage their days and how they are getting into their targets. one of the articles that I read and I really like, was stating the big 9 habits that most successful people do everyday. it is as below:

1. Always keep their Goals in sights.

     Having the personal and work goals in front of you everyday will help you to stay focusing on what you are targeting to accomplish and thus helping you to get to the target goal. If you didn’t review your goals everyday, you will ended up forgetting about those goals as life is moving. thus it is strongly recommended by almost all of the successful people to keep your goal list in front of you and always think how you can accomplish these goals.

This is one of the reasons why we built GigaGoals.com. The main problem that GigaGoals trying to resolve is to make Goal Management easier and provide a platform that make this easier on everybody.

2. Writing down the To-Do list for the current day.

      Defining the To-Do list will help you stay focus and organize on your day.. I personally try it and I found myself getting things done in much organized way than before.

3. Rarely watch TV..

     Most of the most successful people watching TV for less than 1 hour a day. I believe watch TV is good but if you watch TV more than 1 hour is considered as a time wasting and you should be do better things during this time. your should be do more productive things in that time.

4. They love reading

     Rich people love reading, but that is not for fun… they usually reading about self-improvement and how to get their business to the next level.

5.  listening to audio Books.

      It is a nice thing to listen to an audio book while you are driving to work or back to home. this will help you to make this time as much productive  as you can. I love this idea.

6. They are doing more than what is their job required

       Most successful people always going extra miles over what is the job is required. They are not stopping at their job requirement limits and they are always looking for improvement and being in better position.

7. They are not hopping  to win the lottery games

       Successful people always taking risks and do whatever they can to mitigate that risk. They are not afraid from failure, actually they consider failures as a steps towards the success.

8. Watching what they are eating.

       Successful people take their health very serious and like to stay healthy and value their health. Well, if a person is healthy he will be very productive and can accomplish more things.. I would agree on this and recommend this to everybody who is targeting the success. You need to watch calories and make sure you are not over-weight. being over-weight

9. Care about their appearance

      They are take care of their appearance and smile.. recent study shows that the good appearance and good smile will make people give you their attention and thus you get where you are looking for.

Similar article: http://goo.gl/bimhpw

How to be Positive and Release Negativity

Release Negativity and Be Positive
Positive attitude

Being under stressful life is something that everybody is facing from everyday.. that will lead to have you being negative person and look to every aspect of your life in very negative way.. but did you ever thought of how you can get rid of this negativity to be more positive… I read this nice article from entrepreneur.com site and I would recommend that article to you.. it is just listing 5 easy way that will help you release negativity and being more positive..

Basically you need to be gratitude, giver, controlling your breath, imagine the success that you will have and mediate then mediate the mediate.. mediation is a great thing to refresh your mind and change direction of how you are looking into things

I like this article and I’m hopping you will find it useful as well.. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230613 this article is written by Michael Jacobs


How to Send Emails from Google SMTP

I came into an issue where I need to send an email from my website.. I don’t have an SMTP service installed on my web server and I didn’t want to go into that path for many of my personal reasons. so I decided to go with Google SMTP service as it is free as well as it is accessible from anywhere.. to accomplish this task it took from me 15 minutes.. so I thought of sharing my code with you as well

public void SendEmail ()

var client = new SmtpClient(“smtp.gmail.com”, 587)

Credentials = new NetworkCredential(“EmailAccountUserName@gmail.com”, “Password”),
EnableSsl = true;


client.Send(“EmailAccountUserName@gmail.com”, “EmailAccountUserName@gmail.com”, “EmailSubject”, “EmailBody”);


I hope you will find this useful…

I hope

The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll failed to load. The data is the error.

Recently I was trying to host a website that is building on top of .net 4.0 into my IIS 7.X server. The framework installed and configured correctly but the site was not being able to show up. The main problem was the app pool turning OFF whenever I was trying to send request to the website. That was a very strange thing for me.

I checked the event log and I found the IIS is logged the following error message into my Event log

“The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll failed to load.  The data is the error.”

After research and investigation on why this error message showing up I found the “Rewrite.dll” is missing thus I need to install it.. This dll supposed to be found on the following path  “C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv”. the URL Rewrite is a component provided by Microsoft and it is complementary for the IIS to help IIS being able to resolve the routes

To install it, you need to download on of the installed (based on you OS archi) and install it.

Download IIS Rewrite Module (x86)

Download IIS Rewrite Module (x64)

I hope  this would help you fixing the issue that you are looking to fix.

How to Accomplish your Goals

Everyone has his own dreams that he/she always like to achieve and accomplish. Regardless of how big your dream is and how it is important to you to get it accomplished, we all procrastinating accomplishing our dreams. Without planning how to accomplish your dreams and break it down into small tasks it will never become real.

My personal advise to you is to write down your dreams down.. Convert those dreams into Goals (a goal should have some set of characteristics) and break down these goals into tasks and start taking actions immediately. Don’t ever never procrastinating accomplishing your dreams. Below are some advices of how to set your goals and go in the way to achieve them.

The set of goals that you will define needs to have the following characteristics:

1. S – Specific .
2. M – Measurable.
3. A – Action-Oriented.
4. R – Rewarding.
5. T – Track-able.

This is called SMART goals characteristics …. Whenever you are writing your goals, you have to think about the SMART goals.

Goals might be like “I would like to lose 10 KG of my weight in 3 months”. It is specific, you can measure it, and you can track it (3 months); also you can break it into action and your will be rewarded at the end.

When you define your set of goals, start asking yourself, what I can do to get this goal accomplished. This will define a set of actions to get his goal done. The most important rule is to make sure your goal has a deadline.. Don’t have it open not ended time line.

It is a good practice to brainstorm different ways to accomplish your goal. Don’t stick with a single way to do it, and try to think about different ways to do it. This will give you different options in case you get into a blocked road.

Always imagine yourself accomplishing the goal, and visualize how things will be after accomplishing this goal. If your goal to get a home, just start visualizing how is that home will looks like and where you want to have it.

My last advise is to is to always read inspiration stories and quotes; this will help to keep up your spirits which will help you to make progressing in your goals.

I found this article very useful, I would advise you to read it http://www.wikihow.com/Accomplish-a-Goal

Generic JQuery Confirmation Message

Did you ever come to a point where you get tired from the limitation from the browser default confirmation message… I came into that point so many times… but also I didn’t like the idea of keep doing workarounds on this.. so I built a Generic Confirmation Message using JQuery.. it is basically much flexible than what browser confirmation message do for us…. My generic confirmation message is built on MVC solution, so I’m using the flexibility that MVC providing me….

let’s assume you want to display a confirmation message on deletion operation… Below is a JQuery method that will show the confirmation message and depends on a call back Java Script method to be called in case the user click on the  “Delete” button.

/*Show up a confirmation delete message*/
function ConfirmDelete(message, callback) {
    var $deleteDialog = $('<div>Are you sure you want to delete ' + message + '?</div>');

            resizable: false,
            //height: 200,
            title: "Delete Record?",
            modal: true,

            buttons: {
                "Delete": {
                    click: function () {
                    class: "btn btn-default",
                    text: "Delete"
                        click: function () {
                        class: "btn btn-default",
                        text: "Cancel"
I think the next question will be is how to use above method… I’ll present an example where I want to delete a record from a grid. so I built a method that will do a JQuery Ajax call to server in order to delete the record… the Ajax post that will be made is depending on an href attribute attached the delete button or link on your page; meaning you need to provide a full info on your href; in MVC it is ‘/Record/Delete/{IdValue}’
/* Do Delete for error message*/
function DeleteRow($btn) {

        url: $btn.attr('href'),
        success: function (response) {
            $("#ajaxResult").hide().html(response).fadeIn(300, function () {
                var e = this;
                setTimeout(function () { $(e).fadeOut(400); }, 2500);

            window.location = response.url;
        error: function (xhr) {
            displayError(xhr.responseText, xhr.status); /* display errors in separate dialog */

    return false;
when user click on the button on the grid, you should call the following function; or similar one depending on your needs
 /*show Delete confirmation message*/

function DeleteGridRowConfirmationMsg(btn,recordName) {

        function () {

    return false;
I hope this will help you on having a generic confirmation message on your site.. one last comment, make sure that you have JQuery UI script files imported into your project as well as into your web pages

Send Emails From SQL Server in Tabular Format

You may face a case where you need to send an email with some summary information based on certain DB queries that you have in place. The best presentation of this is to present the data in tabular way in your email. In the past, to satisfy such a requirement you had to build your own .NET or Java code and write long algorithm to accomplish this. Which is a time consuming for such a small requirement… don’t agree?

Now you can send emails from SQL server in tabular format it in very easy way using SQL server mail feature. Within couple of lines of SQL statements you can send a very good looking email to your recipient list… below is a summary of steps of how you can do it:

  1. Build a temporary table on your DB to hold your result sent.
  2. Populate the temporary table with your summary data records.
  3. Do some sort of conversion to convert your table data into an XML.
  4. Build your HTML header and concatenate the result of step 3 into your body html tag
  5. Send the email using SQL server mail.

Below is a sample code to send emails from SQL server in tabular format, it is basically send a Sales count summery based on areas

[Area] varchar(100)
[SaleCount] int
SELECT ‘San Diego’,500
SELECT ‘Los Angeles’,100
SELECT ‘Temecula’,10


SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT [Area] AS 'td','',[ SaleCount] AS 'td',
FROM #Temp ORDER BY [Area]

SET @body ='<html><body><H3>Sales Summary Report</H3>
<table border = 1>
<th> Area </th> <th>Sales Count </th> </tr>'

SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = ‘SQLProfileName’, -- replace with your SQL Database Mail Profile
@body = @body,
@body_format ='HTML',
@recipients = ‘admin@smartdigitizers.com’, -- replace with your email address
@subject = 'Sales Summary Report – Tabular Format ' ;

Visual Studio 2013 news Update inside the Development IDE… Great Extension

Did you ever wanted to look into Visual Studio news feed inside the development IDE and have this news feed updated whenever there is new feed posted? The good news is this wish is becoming true now. You can do this by installing News Extension…The bad news is this extension is only available on Visual Studio 2013 and it is not available as the time of writing this post to any other Visual Studio versions.

After installing this extension on your visual studio; you will get a new button inside the Team Explorer window.. which will make you updated whenever there is a new news posted.